is a non-denominational ministry dedicated to awakening those in bondage of the mind and members to the freedom in Christ. Focusing on the scripture in John 8:36, “For whom the Son sets free is free indeed.” This ministry is driven for everyone they encounter to know the truth about Christ and his love. The truth about living a life free of depression, low self- esteem, substance abuse and anything opposite of God’s word.
Redemption Faith Global Ministries
where our passion is freedom in Christ and maintaining that freedom is our goal.
We believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and he’s now seated at the Father’s right hand. Romans 8:34​
We believe in the 5-fold ministry and diversity of gifts, for the perfecting of the church. Ephesians 4:11
We believe in true radical praise and worship as declared by scripture. Psalm 150; John 4:23​
We believe that righteous living causes blessings to overtake us. Deuteronomy 28​
We believe whom the son sets free is free indeed. John 8:36